NaNoWriMo hangovers, anyone?

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I’ve been AWOL for a bit because I’ve been swamped with other writing and editing work, which is a good thing, and an insane undertaking at the same time.

When November started, I actually had this crazy idea in mind to take a break from novel writing for a while, because, well, I worked on my two fantasy novels an awful lot, and dammit if I didn’t want a break. So what did I end up doing?

If you guessed that I completely ignored the opportunity to take a rest from writing by writing at a more furious pace than ever, then… wow, you know me pretty well.

And for the record, get out of my head.

I decided on day 5 that I was going to take a crack at NaNoWriMo, because hey, I had a book idea, and two, “Why not?” It was only after the ridiculously grueling pace for myself cut in that I realized I had written my 50,000 word quota by the 23rd of November, thus making myself slightly more insane than usual, and even squirrely-er than ever.

(Do other people not hiss when daylight hits their eyes?)

After getting myself to 60,000 words by the end of November, I know that I am dying to take a break from it all. How did everyone else fare? Did you get your word count, or close to?


I’m hoping to have this latest book, The Death of Narcissus finished within maybe two months, and then I’ll start trying to get that beastie pared down and beefed up, dependent on whatever it needs. This is a rush job, so I’m not going to kid myself… it’s GOING to need some work. 

(And of course I’ll have a sneak preview for you guys later on!)

In the meantime, I’ve also recently gotten the opportunity to apply to be an editor for a publishing house, which is very exciting stuff. The opportunity came just a day or so after I received my diploma in the mail, which seemed like a pretty life-choice affirming coincidence, if you ask me. Between my writing, editing, and the work I’m doing in the industry, I’m hoping that my big payoff is going to come any day now. I could use a vacation… maybe go to a tropical island paradise to… I don’t know. Read and write, probably.

That’s the only way we bookworms know how to enjoy ourselves, apparently.


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It’s official!

I got the grades back from my final class today, and drumroll please…



I am officially done with my BFA in creative writing, and I can’t wait to put it to use. I’ve got a couple of helpful people revising my query letter, and once that’s done, I’m going to focus on getting published for real. On top of that, of course, I’m still writing some video game cut scenes on the side, and I’ve been working to get things done in my editing internship.

I’m glad that I didn’t waste any time getting experience, and I will be so happy when it all pays off! Come Friday morning, I will be a college graduate.

Congratulations to those in my class who are graduating with me as well! I can’t wait to see everyone there at the ceremony!

Five Submissions!

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Whose got two thumbs and a bunch of pieces being published? 

This girl!

I just got an e-mail back from The Aviator, which is my school’s art and writing editorial! They let me know that of the seven pieces that I submitted, an astonishing FIVE have been selected for publication! Three in the upcoming issue, and two in the following one!

I love having my work published!